Post Slider Element
The post slider element allows you to display a 2-5 column slider with entries, that are fetched from any of your Themes active Taxonomies. This also includes Taxonomies that are added via Plugins. So for example if you have a shop plugin active you will also be able to display the latest Products.
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February Already?
I had a conversation with my Dad this morning about how quickly time moves. I turned 40 in June of 2022 and although it wasn't a major shock to the system what is shocking is how quickly I have approached 41. I have always kind of joked…

Get off the Fence!
Today is that Day!
If you have been sitting on the fence waiting for the market to crash or because interest rates are high... today is the day. If you start paying attention to the economic factors that affect the interest rates and stop…

Don't leave your decisions to only what you read in the news. Do your Homework!
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